Olivijn – A restaurant worth two stars

Visiting restaurants over the last years, means we have quite some material to compare one place to another. How and why the ratings, reviews and stars are awarded to a restaurant do (sometimes) puzzle us, as is the case with Restaurant Olivijn. Not intending to spoil the ‘fun’ in the first paragraph, we do wonder…

Restaurant Fred – Well-deserved two stars

Being one of the three two-star restaurants in town, you could argue that competition in fine dining in Rotterdam is high. Where some restaurants make us wonder how stars are awarded, sometimes in a positive way and sometimes in a more negative sense. At Restaurant Fred there is no question. It has two stars and…

French “hospitality”

Every now and then, we have to travel for business. This is a great opportunity to visit restaurants that are simply too far for a day-trip. Where the trips themselves are not as much fun as people like to think, we do enjoy the meals… Preparation is half the fun for a vacation and with…

De Schans – Fine dining around the corner

We do not mind driving a while for a good meal, but we have recently found that we don’t have to sit in the car for hours. Just a 15-minute drive from our home base, we have found a wonderful fine dining restaurant called “De Schans”.  Located just outside the town of Montfoort, it is…

Restaurant Monarh – A modern restaurant in a historic setting

Tilburg may not be on the top of the list for tourists visiting Holland. However, when in the neighbourhood, it is definitely worth a visit. The city center is a nice place for a walk, with some old churches and nice shops.  After the walk, we bet you can use a good meal, either at…

Librije’s Zusje – A perfect meal at De Librije’s little sister

With three Michelin stars, De Librije is probably one of the Netherland’s best-known restaurants. For the past five years, the owners have had an advising role in Librije’s Zusje, which is the Librije’s sibling in the Waldorf Astoria Amsterdam. This advising role will end on 1 January, when Lirbije’s Zusje will be renamed to Spectrum….