Senses Restaurant – Excellent food in downtown Amsterdam

When in Amsterdam for a fine-dining experience, The White Room, Vinkeles or Bord’eau are probably the most likely names you will be given. Recently, we have visited Wolf Atelier, which we considered a real hidden treasure.  Having found that one, we went looking for more and we have found another one: Senses Restaurant. What got us…

De Kersentuin – Good food with disappointing service

Next to “Aan de Poel”, chef Stefan van Sprang operates restaurant “De Kersentuin”. It is a restaurant we have been wanting to visit for a long time and now it happened. It is located in the Bilderberg Hotel in Amsterdam, which easy to find and not too far outside the city centre. With this restaurant…

FG Restaurant – Top of the line food and service in Rotterdam

Many good chefs operate more than one restaurant. Heston Blumenthal has The Fat Duck (three stars) in Bray, and about 30 miles down the road his two-star restaurant “Dinner by Heston”. In Holland, we have Francois Geurts who operates his “FG Bistro” plus his one star “FG Food Labs” as well as his ‘flagship’ two…

Graham’s Kitchen – Nice food from a tiny kitchen in Amsterdam

Like many tourists, when travelling we stick to the well-known sights and also try to find some hidden gems. The same applies to restaurants in towns we visit. When in Amsterdam, the well-known restaurants like The White Room, Vermeer and Bridges serve great food and always draw a crowd. Here too, there are hidden gems…

Auberge de Veste – Delicious food with friendly service

Most of the well-known restaurants are in the big cities, like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. This does not mean that there aren’t any good places in other cities. In Den Bosch, we have recently visited “Auberge de Veste” and discovered this really is a hidden treasure….. The restaurant is located in a nice old…

Hanse Stube – An upscale and traditional restaurant in Cologne

One of the most well-known sights in Cologne must be the Dom. Located in the center of town, next to the train station, it is on the edge of the historic (and very nice) city center. Just accross the street is the luxurious hotel named “Excelsior Hotel Ernst”. This hotel is home to one Michelin…

The White Room – An excellent meal by talented young chef

The Netherlands is since 2018 home to three restaurants/chefs with 3 Michelin stars. One of these chefs is Jacob Jan Boerma (restaurant De Leest), who also operates a second restaurant in Amsterdam; The White Room. The day-to-day operations are lead by Arturo Dalhuizen, a very young talented chef. Located within the NH hotel on the Dam…

Locanda Locatelli – Stylish Italian in downtown London

Some years after eating at Zafferano Restaurant, where chef Locatelli used to work, I had the pleasure or eating his food again. For some time now, he has his own restaurant, Locanda Locatelli, based in a street parallel to the famous Oxford Street in London. When approaching the restaurant, from the outside the restaurant you…

Wolf Atelier – Refined cuisine in the center of Amsterdam

Amsterdam is home to some of Holland’s better/best restaurants, like Librije’s Zusje and Vermeer. Next to this, there are many other good and excellent, but less well-known restaurants that really are worth a visit. For some time, we have wanted to visit one of these lesser-known restaurants; Wolf Atelier. Located a few minutes walk from…

Atelier Wilma – Casual fine dining in Frankfurt

Just south-west of the downtown area of Frankfurt, within walking distance of the big cathedral is the restaurant Atelier Wilma. It is in a nice area with some shops, away from the fancy high-rise office buildings of some of Europe’s largest banks. For some reason, the face of the building reminded me of Hansel and…